At the ENT Center, we conduct comprehensive tests that test for the following allergen categories:
grasses, weeds, trees, dust mites, foods, molds and other miscellaneous allergens.
A full 90 minute allergy test consists of a scratch test on the upper back. Following that, an intra-dermal test will be done on the upper arm for the allergens that presented as negative on the back. Intra-dermal tests are injections just under the skin. We do the intra-dermal test to confirm any negatives.
There are instances where only a 45 minute scratch test on the upper back will be needed.
You will receive your results on the same day of your test. After receiving your allergy test results, you will have the opportunity to discuss your treatment options. At the ENT Center, we offer two different types of allergy treatment for all allergen except foods. You will also receive an EpiPen
Allergy Shots
Once a week for 8 months you will come in to receive your allergy shot. You will need to stay in the clinic for 30 minutes after your shot to monitor any possible reactions. You must have an EpiPen at every allergy shot appointment or no shot will be administered. After 8 months, your shot schedule will be adjusted.Allergy Drops
Allergy drops are drops that you will administer yourself, under your tongue every day. You will take your first drop at the clinic, then at home for the months following. You will pick up your vials from the clinic.
Allergy testing and treatment is at the heart of what we do. Read below to find answers to common allergy questions as well as an overview of the treatment options we have available.