Sinus issues can manifest through various symptoms, which can range from mild to severe. Here are some common symptoms associated with sinus issues:
Facial pressure, nasal congestion, runny nose, loss of smell and taste, postnasal drip, headache, toothache, cough, fatigue, sore throat, ear pressure and a fever. -
There are multiple different reasons to seek out an ENT Specialist:
Persistent Symptoms: If you experience the symptoms listed above for an extended period of time (usually 12 weeks).
Recurrent Sinus Infections: If you find yourself having 2 or more sinus infections each year.
Structural Abnormalities: Abnormalities in the nose or sinuses such as blockages or a deviated septum.
Failed Treatment: If nasal sprays and other antibiotic treatments fail to give you relief.
Treatment options for sinus issues vary depending on the underlying cause and severity of the condition. Here are some of our common treatment approaches:
Prescription and OTC Medications: Decongestants, Nasal Corticosteriods, and Antibiotics may be prescribed to treat the issues.
Allergy Management: Some sinus issues can be caused by allergies that are left untreated. Thankfully, we offer comprehensive allergy testing and treatment!
Surgical Interventions: Different procedures may be performed depending on the issue and severity. Minimally invasive procedures such as the Balloon Sinuplasty can be prefomed to open up the sinus cavity.
At B&B Sinus and Allergy Relief Centers, our mission is to help you find your breath of fresh air. Your life doesn’t have to consist of a constant stuffy nose and trip to the urgent care. Find out what we can do for you.